Visitors and Drop-Ins


We love drop-ins...

One of the great things about travel is seeing the way other people do things in other parts of the world. Red City is the gym it is in large part to the amount of time we spent in other great facilities around the world. That's why we enjoy sharing what we have with people visiting Dubbo or Orange.

If you're coming to do a CrossFit class or would like to use the open gym we'd be happy to have you. We have single visit options for $30 or if you're in town for longer a weekly option for $75 per week.

Follow the button below for the single visit or email us for the weekly option.

PLEASE NOTE: We can’t offer refunds on drop-in purchases

We do ask that all drop-ins respect a few simple rules:

1. Please be on time - If attending a class try to be here 10 minutes or more ahead of the class time.

2. Come to learn - We want to be able to leave you with something so come in with an open mind. Maybe you do things differently at home, but you might pick-up something different that really helps you.

3. Please don't make a mess - Red City is a clean gym and we like it that way. You might throw chalk around in your gym or put things back wherever but it makes the space much nicer when it's not a mess.

4. Class takes priority - We run open gym at all times, including class time. If you're working out while class is on that's okay, but class will take priority for space and equipment. Also please don't make heaps of noise if a coach is talking to class.